Inspect before you buy
By Leopold LP Chung
To experienced real estate investors, thorough building and pest inspections are necessary to determine the structural and pest condition of the property before purchase. It is a matter of risk management, and most professional real estate investors know how to control risks. A report detailing the outcome of the inspection and the defects of the property provides an edge to the buyer. As long as it is compliant with the Australian Standards (AS4349.1), the report can be useful for the buyer to negotiate on the price of the real estate or include a contract clause that the vendor should rectify the defects after purchase. Most experienced buyers would also request to include a contract clause stating the contract of sales should subject to the building and pest inspection report. Regardless, an inspection report always creates more value than entering a contract without one. In circumstances where a major defect is found in the property, it allows the buyers to exit the contract or proceed at a reduced price.
There’s no doubt real estate can be the largest investment for many buyers. Most first home buyers are not aware of the building and pest inspection service available, thereby losing their only opportunity to perform due diligence and exit the contract of sales under legal reasons. It should be kept in mind that it is not the real estate agent’s responsibility to remind the buyers to practice due diligence. Therefore, buyers are advised to rely on independent building inspectors like Altez Building Inspections to inspect the property. An independent building inspector is unattached to any third party, ensuring they are unbiased and committed to your best interests.
A building inspection is more than just peace of mind. Traditionally, pre-purchase building inspections comprise visual appraisal and limited assessment of serviceability of the building. The scope of the building inspection is governed by the Australian Standards AS4349.1. In contrast, the Australian Standards AS4349.3 outlines the scope for standard timber pest inspections. Generally, the purpose of the inspections is to identify existing building defects and potential termite activity in the building. Additionally, an experienced building inspector can identify any non-compliance, such as illegal structure and potential future defects that are not visibly accessible, such as the sub-floor.

An experienced building inspector would inspect the crawlspace to look for signs of deteriorating foundation, existing structural damage, termite mud and infestation. Nevertheless, in circumstances where access to these areas is restricted, the inaccessible areas are exempted from the inspection report under the Australian Standards 4349.1. This can become a concern for the buyers. Modern property problems require modern solutions. Therefore, being one of the only few inspection companies in the market well equipped with technology, Altez Building Inspections apply thermal imaging, moisture reading, laser levelling test and endoscopy in every inspection to further assess the building at an affordable rate.
Effective thermal imaging using a high-end thermal camera provides a thermogram evaluating the thermal, air and moisture performance of the building envelope. It could sense any thermal anomalies of a building section that might be caused by termites infestation, moisture leaks and exposed wiring. Furthermore, when thermal imaging is paired with a moisture reading meter, it provides further clarification on whether the thermal anomalies are due to active moisture. Additionally, a laser levelling test also detects any floor deviation in the building. A serious floor deviation can result in a structural defect that may be costly to rectify.
The inspections conducted by Altez Building Inspections not only satisfy the contract of sales condition, but they also provide a detailed report that includes the building, pest, structure, non-compliances, and many other defects that can only be assessed through technology.
Contact Altez today and have your future property inspected by experts! Call 0499 899 890
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